Pneumatic Soft Actuators

Physics: Nonlinear Continuum Mechanics

Software: Abaqus and FEBio

Audience: Three conference proceedings and two journal publications

In my capacity as a numerical modeling specialist at the Matter Assembly Computation Lab (MACLab) at the University of Colorado, Boulder, I developed a wide range of 1D, 2D, and 3D models of continuum soft actuators. These actuators are challenging to simulate for a variety of reasons:

  • Geometric and material nonlinearity

  • Dense and intermittent contact interactions

  • Hyperelastic, nearly incompressible materials

High-Performance Simulations

The best models strike a balance between two competing, antagonistic goals:

  • realism / accuracy

  • computational cost

I investigate the use of shell finite elements in simulating pneumatic soft actuators - this method strikes a more favorable balance between the two objectives than traditional volumetric FEA and helps speed up design exploration. Read more about this research.

Fast, accurate simulations enable computational design - the automatic production of mechanical design solutions that satisfy high level constraints. I built a computational design program around these scripted simulations of soft actuators, and asked it to produce strong, flexible soft actuator designs without any manual input.

The results were astounding - after running overnight, the program identified bending soft actuator structures that look very similar to geometries which took years to develop manually! Read more about this research here.


Multibody Assembly


Shape Memory Alloy Dynamics